Jacobs Kronung Ground Coffee (500g/17.6oz)

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Brand: Jacobs


  • Roasted coffee, ground.
  • The secret of the pampering aroma is that the precious aroma is gently enclosed in the bean - with the Jacob's aroma roasting and subsequent cooling of the beans.
  • When brewing unfolds then the irresistible pampering aroma for fully aromatic coffee enjoyment from the first to the last cup.
  • With caffeine

Details: Product description Jacobs Kronung is the best of JACOBS Coffee. The finest coffee that's premium roasted with the JACOBS Aroma. High quality coffee beans are selected from the best regions blended to compose this fine coffee. Find out for yourselves why this coffee is the Number One Best Seller! The special taste and aroma of Jacobs coffee brand today carries the inspiration of its creator Johann Jacobs. He opened a coffee and tea shop in Bremen, Germany, in 1895. There, he began roasting his own coffee, enabling him ?to treat each variety according to its character and the structure of the beans, thus giving my coffee its own special taste. Ingredients Coffee beans, ground.

Package Dimensions: 7.1 x 3.9 x 2.6 inches

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