Halal Chicken Bundle

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Healthy Family Meal Prep with Delicious Chicken 

Make your family meals easy, nutritious and delicious with these healthy chicken products! From grilled to roasted, these are packed with essential nutrients. Plus, 24 Shopping ensures that each element is fresh and of the highest quality delivering the best products for effortless meal prep.

The Best Family Meal Prep

1.  Whole Chicken Halal apx 1000g

This Whole Chicken Halal apx 1000g is versatile and can be prepared in various ways, making it a great addition to many meals. You can season it with herbs and spices and roast in an oven for a delicious main course. Its high quality makes it an excellent choice for families and individuals seeking an authentic culinary experience.

2. Chicken Leg Halal 1KG

Chicken Leg Halal 1KG is easy to prepare and staple for any kitchen. These premium, fresh chicken legs will help your meals to get mouth watering flavor. They can be used in making soups, stews, chicken curries, roasting and others. . 

3. Chicken Breast halal 1Kg

For a balanced family meal prep, Chicken Breast halal 1Kg tender and juicy texture can be used in a wide range of recipes.  From grilled chicken breast to chicken curry and stir-fries, it is a popular choice for all the family. 

Why Choose Our Family Meal Prep?

We focus on providing well-rounded products that cater to all dietary needs. Whether you’re looking for high-protein or family-friendly options, we’ve got everything you need. Our chicken pieces are versatile and perfect for a wide range of recipes. They can be easily incorporated into your favorite dishes for a delicious and satisfying meal. 


Is the chicken in this bundle Halal-certified?

Yes! The chicken in this bundle is Halla-certified. It is sourced and prepared according to halal standards, ensuring it meets the highest certifications for quality and purity. 

Are these chicken products fresh or frozen?

Yes, these chicken products are generally supplied frozen to maintain freshness and ensure safe storage until use.

What are the nutritional benefits of these chicken products?

Chicken products are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids providing benefits for muscle growth, weight management, brain health, and immune function, while also being a good source of lean protein for overall nutrition.

What dietary preferences does this bundle cater to?

The bundle of chicken products appears to cater to gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan preferences, offering options for individuals with dietary restrictions or preferences.

How long will the chicken last in the refrigerator/freezer?

Fresh, whole chicken or chicken parts last 1-2 days, while raw chicken parts can be stored for up to 9 months, whole fresh chicken for up to 1 year and ground chicken for 3-4 months.

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