English Blossom Raw Honey 340g

SKU: 11921
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This honey is produced by bees that forage on nectar gathered from wildflowers. This honey has a magnificent taste that cannot be confused with "blended" (honey found in most retail shops.)
UNPROCESSED, UNHEATED, UNPASTEURISED, UNBLENDED - This honey provides the best natural energy boost available from any unpasteurised, natural food with nutritional benefits and its natural taste!
VARIETY OF HEALTH BENEFITS - Widely known to help relieve coughs & soothe scratchy throats. Evidence suggests Unpasteurised honey can help reduce oxidative stress with its range of compounds that act as antioxidants, which research has shown, can also benefit the brain.
100% PURE HONEY - taken straight from the beehive to the jars. There is nothing added & nothing taken away! No syrups, additives or gimmicks, just Unpasteurised Honey. Our honey must be tasted! It's great on toast in the morning, in tea, or straight from the jar for a natural energy boost!
All pure honey will eventually crystallise.
How to store your honey?
There is no need to store honey in the fridge - it will stay fresh if you keep it tightly sealed and away from direct sunlight.
Do not feed infants under 12 months!

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