Everyday Essentials Pack

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Daily Must-haves Made Easy- The Everyday Essentials Bundle

The secret to a more seamless routine in the fast-paced world of today is to keep everyday needs on hand. The carefully chosen list of everyday essential packs from 24 Shopping guarantees that you will receive best quality products that make your daily routine easier. With this bundle which includes fresh veggies, we deliver convenience straight to your door. 

Your Trusted Everyday Essentials Bundle

1. Potato 500g

The Potato 500g in our pack is a superior supply of dietary fiber, carbohydrates and a wide range of minerals. It has a rich and smooth texture filling which is easy to make for a good diet. It can be used in making potato salad, roasted potatoes, soups and stews. 

2. Garlic 250g

Whether in aromatic curries and spicy chutney, the Garlic 250g holds a prominent place for its flavor-enhancing qualities. It is used in various middle eastern dishes. For instance, curries, meatballs, soups and hot pots. 

3. Red Onion 500g

Red Onion 500g are low in calories but high in nutrients, including vitamin C, B and potassium. They contain antioxidants and compounds that may help lower heart disease risk. It adds color and flavor to salads, pizzas and sandwiches. It can also be used in grilling, marinades and many more. 

4. Baby Cucumber 500g

 Baby Cucumber 500g mild flavor and crisp texture make it an essential in salads, yogurt-based dishes, and sandwiches when chopped or thinly sliced. They are a good source of phytonutrients which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer benefits.

Why Choose Our Everyday Essentials Packs? 

For your daily meals, our everyday essentials packs provide a fresh list of wholesome vegetables. We guarantee that you eat healthy without the hassle because they are packed with vital vitamins and minerals. 


How long can I store these vegetables?

Potatoes can be stored up to 1 month outside and 2.5 months in the refrigerator and garlic for up to 3 months, red onions up to 1 month and baby cucumbers within 1 week  and 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

Is the bundle organic?

Yes! The vegetables in this bundle are organic as our products have quality and delivered with friendly and reliable services. 

Can I customize the items in the bundle?

Yes, you can customize the items in the bundle depending on your needs and preferences. 

What if an item in the bundle is out of stock? 

If an item within the bundle is out of stock, then the whole bundle may become unavailable or the user may be given an option to choose a substitute for another item.

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